Vanquishing fear and apathy through E-inclusion (VERVE): personalised and populated Realistic Virtual Environments for clinical, home and mobile platforms

What is VERVE ?

VERVE is a research project that aims to develop new technologies to support the treatment of people who are at risk of social exclusion, either because of fear and apathy associated with ageing, or because of a neurological disorder.

As the number of older adults grows worldwide, so too does the cost of health care. People live longer, but don’t necessarily enjoy the same quality of life. VERVE is investigating ways to help adults, young adults and old, to cope with Fear, Apathy and Anxieties, by using a combination of new and existing scientific methods and computer technologies. Specifically we are hoping to help older people at risk of falling, persons with Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s disease and memory problems, as well as those with phobias.

Many sufferers of Dementia and Alzheimer’s struggle with apathy. Nice University Hospital is leading research in this area of the VERVE programme.

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Results – Publications

Auteurs Titre Année Documents
Valeria Manera & al
‘Kitchen and cooking,’ a serious game for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study    2015 [download id=”3982″ format=”2″]
Michel Benoit & al 
Is it possible to use highly realistic virtual reality in the elderly? a feasibility study with image-based rendering    2015 [download id=”3985″ format=”2″]
Valeria Manera & al
A Feasibility Study with Image-Based Rendered Virtual Reality in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia    2015 [download id=”4017″ format=”2″]

Kitchen & Cooking

Those with Alzheimer’s can struggle with many simple tasks such as cooking a meal. They can remember how to perform each step, but can’t always remember the correct sequence. The Kitchen & Cooking scenario aims to help by allowing users to practice simple recipes using an iPad game played at home, helping them to re-establish the sequences and building confidence to try the recipes for real.

Memory Motivation Virtual Experience (MeMoVE)

Memories triggered by a personal item or a scene from childhood can be great motivators for those with Dementia. MeMoVE places individuals in a virtual environment and compares whether a scene that has a personal meaning to them motivates them more than a scene with no connection. This will help to understand whether these personal elements will make a difference in games targeted at stimulating memory and deferring the onset of Dementia.


Authors Title Année Article
Valeria Manera & al
‘Kitchen and cooking,’ a serious game for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study  2015 [download id=”3982″ format=”2″]
Michel Benoit & al 
Is it possible to use highly realistic virtual reality in the elderly? a feasibility study with image-based rendering  2015    [download id=”3985″ format=”2″]